Genesis Physicians Group Partners With Specialty Group for Comprehensive Care

Dallas, TX – May 16, 2019 – Will Maddox, D CEO HEALTHCARE, The Business of Healthcare in North Texas.

Genesis Physicians Group is partnering with a network of specialty physicians to better manage care as patients move between primary physicians and specialists. The relationship with Dallas-based Aspen Specialty Physicians Network is meant to reduce healthcare costs and improve coordination of patient care.

The co-management process will utilize “smart referral” technology and will streamline the treatment of chronic disease conditions. Genesis currently has over 500 primary care and 1,000 specialty physicians members and will add Aspen’s 400-plus specialists in an effort to be successful in contracts with more risk while expanding the ability of primary care physicians to stay independent and care all their patient’s needs.

“Genesis and Aspen believe the North Texas health care community is strengthened when primary care and specialty care physicians work together to redesign and streamline the sharing of patient care responsibilities for complex patients. We have discovered new momentum in transforming health care delivery, appreciating the unique and important contributions of both primary care and specialists, when both are empowered to co-create new patient care workflows.” said Jim Walton, DO, President/CEO of Genesis Physicians Group via release.

Cardiologist Rick Snyder, MD, President of HeartPlace and of Aspen Physician Network continues via release, “We partnered with Genesis to contribute the diverse talent, experience and creative ideas of 10 different specialty care disciplines and 400+ independent specialists to develop new models of care delivery for value-based contracting. We hope this is the first of many care collaborations for Aspen delivering both quality and value to the North Texas market. Aspen Physician Network was created to bring high-quality independent specialty physicians together in a unique collaborative model for the expressed purpose of addressing quality and costs for the patients of North Texas.”